1 barrel of oil equivalent is equal to 6117863200 watt seconds
barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) | watt seconds (Ws) |
25 | 152946580000 |
30 | 183535896000 |
35 | 214125212000 |
40 | 244714528000 |
45 | 275303844000 |
50 | 305893160000 |
55 | 336482476000 |
60 | 367071792000 |
65 | 397661108000 |
70 | 428250424000 |
75 | 458839740000 |
80 | 489429056000 |
85 | 520018372000 |
90 | 550607688000 |
95 | 581197004000 |
100 | 611786320000 |
105 | 642375636000 |
110 | 672964952000 |
115 | 703554268000 |
120 | 734143584000 |
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