Megacalorie conversions

Convert megacalories to

megacalorie (unit of energy), pl. megacalories, abbr. Mcal

The megacalorie conversion selector here selects the energy measurement unit to convert to starting from megacalories (Mcal). To make a conversion starting from a unit of energy other than megacalorie, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About megacalorie

The megacalorie (thermochemical) is a unit of energy equal to 4,184,000 joules (1 Mcal = 4,184,000 J), the SI derived unit of energy.

One megacalorie (Mcal) is also equal to 4,184 kilojoules (kJ), or 1,000 kilocalories (thermochemical) (kcal), or 0.001 gigacalories (thermochemical) (Gcal), or 3,965.667 British thermal units (IT) (BTU), or 2,203.148 Celsius heat units (IT) (CHU), or 1,162.22222 watt hours (Wh) or 1.16222222 kilowatt hours (kWh).

The megacalorie definition varies as follows:

  • The megacalorie (th) (Mcal) is equal to 4.184 megajoules
  • The megacalorie (IT) (Mcal) is equal to 4.1868 megajoules
  • The megacalorie (mean) (Mcal) is equal to about 4.19002 megajoules
  • The megacalorie (4 °C) (Mcal) is equal to about 4.2045 megajoules
  • The megacalorie (15 °C) (Mcal) is equal to 4.1855 megajoules
  • The megacalorie (20 °C) (Mcal) is equal to about 4.1819 megajoules

Symbol: Mcal

Plural: megacalories

Megacalorie conversions: a detailed list with conversions from megacalories to other (metric, imperial, or customary) energy measurement units is displayed below.

Back to megacalorie (Mcal)
