Fahrenheit to Celsius, Kelvin, Rankine, and Reaumur formulas and how to convert

Formulas to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, Kelvin, Rankine, and Réaumur and example calculations.

Fahrenheit conversion formulas - How to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, Kelvin, Rankine, and Réaumur image.
Fahrenheit conversion formulas - How to convert °F to °C, K, °R and °Re.

Fahrenheit to Celsius formula and how to convert

Formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (°F to °C) is:

T(°C) = [T(°F) - 32] × 5/9

So, to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 from the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit T(°F), multiply the result by 5 and then divide by 9.


How to convert 100 Fahrenheit to Celsius (°F to °C)?

To convert 100 Fahrenheit to Celsius, substitute T(°F) in the Fahrenheit to Celsius formula for 100 and make the calculation.

T(°C) = [100 - 32] × 5/9 = 68 × 5/9 = 37.78

T(°C) = 37.78 or

100 °F = 37.78 °C

100 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) are equal to 37.78 degrees Celsius (°C).

(or, 100 Fahrenheit to Celsius is 37.78°C)

Go to Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion calculator here.

To convert 100 Celsius to Fahrenheit, go to Celsius to Fahrenheit calculator here.

Fahrenheit to Kelvin formula and how to convert

Formula to convert Fahrenheit to kelvin (°F to K) is:

T(K) = [T(°F) + 459.67] × 5/9

So, to convert Fahrenheit to kelvin add 459.67 to the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit T(°F), multiply the result by 5, and then divide by 9.


How to convert 100 Fahrenheit to kelvin (°F to K)?

To convert 100 Fahrenheit to kelvin, substitute T(°F) in the Fahrenheit to Kelvin formula for 100 and make the calculation.

T(K) = [100 + 459.67] × 5/9 = 559.67 × 5/9 = 310.93

T(K) = 310.93 or

100 °F = 310.93 K

100 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) are equal to 310.93 kelvin (K).

(or, 100 Fahrenheit to kelvin is 310.93K)

Go to Fahrenheit to kelvin conversion here.

Fahrenheit to Rankine formula and how to convert

Formula to convert Fahrenheit to Rankine (°F to °R) is:

T(°R) = T(°F) + 459.67

Thus, to convert Fahrenheit to Rankine, add 459.67 to the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit T(°F).


How to convert 100 Fahrenheit to Rankine (°F to °R)?

Substitute T(°F) in the Fahrenheit to Rankine formula for 100 and make the calculation.

T(°R) = 100 + 459.67 = 559.67

T(°R) = 559.67 or

100 °F = 559.67 °R

100 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) are equal to 559.67 degrees Rankine (°R).

Fahrenheit to Réaumur formula and how to convert

Formula to convert Fahrenheit to Réaumur (°F to °Ré) is:

T(°Ré) = [T(°F) - 32] × 4/9

Thus, to convert Fahrenheit to Réaumur subtract 32 from the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit T(°F), multiply the result by 4, and then divide by 9.


How to convert 100 Fahrenheit to Réaumur (°F to °Ré)?

Substitute T(°F) in the Fahrenheit to Réaumur formula for 100 and then make the calculation.

T(°Ré) = [100 - 32] × 4/9= 68 × 4/9 = 30.22

T(°Ré) = 30.22 or

100 °F = 30.22 °Ré

100 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) are equal to 30.22 degrees Réaumur (°Ré).