Mil conversions

Convert mil to

mil (Imp. & US customary unit of length), pl. mil

The mil conversion selector selects the length/distance measurement unit to convert to starting from mil. To make a conversion starting from a unit of length other than mil, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About mil

The mil (or thou) is a unit of length in the Imperial and US customary systems of units equal to 25.4 × 10-6 meters (1 mil = 25.4 × 10-6 m), the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). The mil is also equal to 0.00254 centimeters (cm), or 0.0254 millimeters (mm) or 25.4 micrometers (μm) (SI units of length), or 0.001 inches (in) or approximately 83.3 × 10-6 feet (ft), which are US customary / Imperial units of length.

The mil (or thou) is used in engineering, machining, and manufacturing.

Plural: mil

Alternative name: thou

Mil conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from mil to other (metric, imperial, or customary) length and distance measurement units is displayed below.