Cubic meters to cubic kilometers (m³ to km³)

Convert cubic meters to cubic kilometers

Cubic meters to cubic kilometers conversion factor

1 cubic meter is equal to 1.0E-9 cubic kilometers

(1 = 1.0E-9 km³)

Cubic meters to cubic kilometers conversion formula

Volume(km³) = Volume (m³) × 1.0E-9

Example: How many cubic kilometers are in 339 cubic meters?

Volume(km³) = 339 ( ) × 1.0E-9 ( km³ / )

Volume(km³) = 3.39E-7 km³or

339 = 3.39E-7 km³

339 cubic meters equals 3.39E-7 cubic kilometers

Cubic meters to cubic kilometers conversion table

cubic meters ()cubic kilometers (km³)
15 1.5E-8 km³
25 2.5E-8 km³
35 3.5E-8 km³
45 4.5E-8 km³
55 5.5E-8 km³
65 6.5E-8 km³
75 7.5E-8 km³
85 8.5E-8 km³
cubic meters ()cubic kilometers (km³)
450 4.5E-7 km³
700 7.0E-7 km³
950 9.5E-7 km³
1200 1.2E-6 km³
1450 1.45E-6 km³
1700 1.7E-6 km³
1950 1.95E-6 km³
2200 2.2E-6 km³

Versions of the cubic meters to cubic kilometers conversion table. To create a cubic meters to cubic kilometers conversion table for different values, click on the "Create a customized volume conversion table" button.

Related volume conversions

  1. Cubic meter to gill (US)
  2. Cubic meter to pint (US liquid)
  3. Cubic meter to ton (water)
  4. Cubic meter to bucket
  5. Cubic kilometers to cubic meters
  6. Cubic kilometer to liter
  7. Cubic kilometer to board-foot

Back to cubic meters to cubic kilometers conversion
