Square kilometer conversions

Convert square kilometers to

square kilometer (US spelling), pl. square kilometers, abbr. km2

The square kilometer conversion selector on this page selects the area/surface measurement unit to convert to starting from square kilometers (sq km). To make a conversion starting from a unit of area other than square kilometer, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About square kilometer

The square kilometer is a unit of area in the metric system equal to 1,000,000 square meters (1 km2 = 1,000,000 m2), the standard derived unit of area in the International System of Units (SI).

One square kilometer (km2) is also equal to 100 hectares (ha) (a unit of area in the metric system), or 10,000 square decameters (dam2) or 100 square hectometers (hm2) (units of area in the SI), or 247.105381 acres (ac), or 1.07639104 × 107 square feet (sq ft), or 1.19599005 × 106 square yards (sq yd) or 0.386102159 square miles (sq mi), which are Imperial / US customary units of area.

The square kilometer (km2) is an SI derived unit of area. The kilometer (km) is a unit of length in the SI. An area of 1.0 square kilometer is the area of a square that is 1.0 kilometer on each side.

Symbol: km2

Plural: square kilometers

aka: square kilometre (plural: square kilometres, Int. spelling)

Square kilometer conversions: a detailed list with conversions from square kilometers to other (metric, imperial, or customary) area and surface measurement units is given below.

Back to square kilometer (sq km)
