Board-foot conversions

Convert board-feet to

board-foot (unit of volume), pl. board-feet, abbr. fbm

The board-foot conversion selector above selects the volume measurement unit to convert to starting from board-feet (fbm). To make a conversion starting from a unit of volume other than board-foot, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About board-foot

The board-foot is a unit of volume equal to 2.359737216 × 10-3 cubic meters (1 board-foot = 2.359737216 × 10-3 m3), the derived unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI).

The board-foot (fbm) is also equal to 2,359.737216 cubic centimeters (cm3), or 2.359737216 cubic decimeters (dm3), or 2.359737216 × 10-6 cubic decameters (dam3) or 2.359737216 × 10-12 cubic kilometers (km3), which are units of volume in the SI.

The board-foot formulas:

1 board-foot = 1 foot × 1 foot × 1 inch = 1 square foot × 1 inch

1 board-foot = 12 inches × 12 inches × 1 inch = 144 square inches × 1 inch

A volume of 1.0 board-foot (fbm) is equivalent to the volume of a board that has a surface area of 1.0 square foot (that is, 1.0 foot long and 1.0 foot wide) and a thickness of 1.0 inch. The square foot (sq ft) is a unit of area in the US customary / Imperial systems of units. The inch (in) is a unit of length in the US customary / Imperial systems of units.

The board-foot is used in the United States and Canada as a unit of volume for lumber.

Symbol: fbm

Plural: board-feet

Also called: board foot (plural: board feet), super foot or superficial foot (in Australia and New Zealand)

Board-foot conversions: a detailed list with conversions from board-feet to other (metric, imperial, or customary) volume measurement units is given below.

Back to board-foot (fbm)
