Minim (US) conversions

Convert minims (US) to

minim (US) (unit of volume), pl. minims (US), abbr. min

The minim (US) conversion selector above selects the volume measurement unit to convert to starting from minims (US) (min). To make a conversion starting from a unit of volume other than minim (US), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About minim (US)

The minim (US), or US customary minim, is a unit of volume in the US customary system of units equal to 6.1611519921875 × 10-8 cubic meters (1 US min = 6.1611519921875 × 10-8 m3), the derived unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI).

The minim (US) is also equal to 61.611519921875 cubic millimeters (mm3), or 0.061611519921875 cubic centimeters (cm3) or 6.1611519921875 × 10-5 cubic decimeters (dm3) (units of volume in the SI), or 61.611519921875 microliters (μL), or 0.061611519921875 milliliters (mL), or 6.1611519921875 × 10-4 deciliters (dL) or 6.1611519921875 × 10-5 liters (L), which are units of volume in the metric system.

The minim definition varies depending on the system of units used, as follows:

  • The Imperial minim or minim (UK), equal to 0.0591938802083 milliliters or 1/480 Imperial fluid ounces
  • The US customary minim or minim (US), equal to 0.061611519921875 milliliters or 1/480 US fluid ounces

The minim is used as a unit of volume for dosages of medicine.

Symbol: min

Plural: minims (US)

aka: minim (US) (plural: minims (US))

Minim (US) conversions: a detailed list with conversions from minims (US) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) volume measurement units is given below.

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