Terajoules to kilojoules (TJ to kJ)

Convert terajoules to kilojoules

Terajoules to kilojoules conversion factor

1 terajoule is equal to 1000000000 kilojoules

(1 TJ = 1000000000 kJ)

Terajoules to kilojoules conversion formula

Energy(kJ) = Energy (TJ) × 1000000000

Example: How many kilojoules are in 172 terajoules?

Energy(kJ) = 172 ( TJ ) × 1000000000 ( kJ / TJ )

Energy(kJ) = 172000000000 kJor

172 TJ = 172000000000 kJ

172 terajoules equals 172000000000 kilojoules

Terajoules to kilojoules conversion table

terajoules (TJ)kilojoules (kJ)
12 TJ12000000000 kJ
22 TJ22000000000 kJ
32 TJ32000000000 kJ
42 TJ42000000000 kJ
52 TJ52000000000 kJ
62 TJ62000000000 kJ
72 TJ72000000000 kJ
82 TJ82000000000 kJ
92 TJ92000000000 kJ
102 TJ102000000000 kJ
terajoules (TJ)kilojoules (kJ)
450 TJ450000000000 kJ
700 TJ700000000000 kJ
950 TJ950000000000 kJ
1200 TJ1200000000000 kJ
1450 TJ1450000000000 kJ
1700 TJ1700000000000 kJ
1950 TJ1950000000000 kJ
2200 TJ2200000000000 kJ
2450 TJ2450000000000 kJ
2700 TJ2700000000000 kJ

Versions of the terajoules to kilojoules conversion table. To create a terajoules to kilojoules conversion table for different values, click on the "Create a customized energy conversion table" button.

Related energy conversions

  1. Terajoule to electron volt
  2. Terajoule to British thermal unit (IT)
  3. Terajoule to standard cubic yard
  4. Terajoule to horsepower-hour
  5. Kilojoules to terajoules
  6. Kilojoule to liter-atmosphere
  7. Kilojoule to standard cubic centimeter
  8. Kilojoule to British thermal unit (IT)

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