Force conversion table (chart)

Generate a force conversion table (chart) for specific force measurement units and values. The list of units of force comprises newtons, millinewtons, kilonewtons, dynes, kips, kilograms-force, pounds-force, poundals, etc.

To create a force conversion table

  1. Select the units of force from the in-cell drop-down lists below.
  2. Type in the required fields the initial value you want to show up on the first row of the conversion table, the increment and the number of rows of the conversion table.

The force conversion table will be generated after all required fields are filled.

Select the units of force

Create the conversion table


See also

Area conversionsLength conversions
Pressure conversionsMass conversions
Energy conversionsVolume conversions
Power conversionsDensity conversions
Force conversionsTime conversions
Speed conversionsTemperature conversions